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Welcome to the Geekiest Gun show on the web!  

Blending technology and video game enthusiasts together with firearms enthusiasts. Because we can all quote Monty Python and enjoy Star Wars or Star Trek no matter what community we hail from.

Apr 26, 2017

Episode 144 Weer'der and Weer'der - This week the hosts are joined by the great Weer'd Beard to discuss some guns, some North Korea, some video games, and over 9000 squirreling! 

Weer'd World

The Squirrel Report

The Gun Blog Variety Cast

Self Defense Ballistics Test

Military Arms Instagram

Steve1989 MRE YouTube


Apr 19, 2017

Episode 143 Onward and Upward  - This week the hosts are joined again by Karl from InRange TV to discuss more on the VR Game Onward, youtube monetization, the first lever action assault rifle and "What would stoner do(?). Enjoy, and be sure to check out the links in the show notes! 

Onward Demo

InRange Patreon

Apr 11, 2017

Episode 142 Range Report - Today the hosts discuss ALL things firearms! Lots of squirreling, lots of geeking on things like the Xbox Scorpio that was just announced, and more!

Here's a fun drinking game: Every time Matt tries to talk Heinrich into buying a gun, take a shot! *Drink Responsibly-ish*


Apr 6, 2017

Episode 141 Going Beyond with Ben - This week the hosts are joined by Ben Branam of Modern Self Protection to discuss just that! They also talk about the upcoming Beyond Conceal Carry Class and what to expect to take away from it and as always much more!

Beyond Conceal Carry - Dallas Event

Modern Self Protection